Make your plans now to attend the 2022 AAHKS Annual Meeting in Dallas, November 3–6, to participate in this cutting-edge symposium. Daniel J. Berry, MD, the moderator of this symposium, will conduct a poll of the membership using an audience response system with real-time display of results and commentary and will ask the audience a series of questions about their current practices in perioperative and intraoperative management of primary THA and TKA. The audience will respond using the audience response system and results will be displayed immediately. The moderator will weave in comparison of the current year’s responses to data gathered in previous years to demonstrate areas of practice evolution. The symposium will place emphasis on areas of rapid practice change. Register today and be sure to secure your hotel reservation as rooms are filling quickly.
2022 Annual Meeting Symposium Preview: Practice Norms in Primary Hip and Knee Arthroplasty: What is Everyone Else Doing?
Aug 18, 2022 | Annual Meeting, CME, Practice Management