- Richard Iorio, MD, conferred the AAHKS Presidential Award on Jonathan L. Schaffer, MD, MBA, for his contributions to the Association, and especially to the growth and evolution of the Annual Meeting Exhibit Hall, as chair of the Industry Relations Committee.
- James A. Rand Young Investigators Award was awarded to Charles M. Lawrie, MD, MSc, for his study, “Questioning the “Nickel Free” Total Knee Arthroplasty.”
- AAHKS Surgical Techniques & Technologies Award was given to Kevin D. Plancher, MD, MPH, for his research, “Patient Acceptable Symptom State (PASS) in Medial and Lateral Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty: Does the
- Status of the ACL Impact Outcomes?”
- AAHKS Clinical Research Award went to Abhijit Seetharam, MD, for the study, “Are Minimum 2-Year PROMS Necessary for Accurate Assessment of Patient Outcomes After Primary TKA?”
- FARE Grant Award was presented to Joshua D. Roth, PhD for “Functional Phenotypes of TKA Patients—A Key Step Towards Personalization.”