Designed for arthroplasty surgeons in training but open to all, the next FOCAL webinar is taking place Monday, May 24, at 7:00 p.m. Central. This webinar will specifically discuss and compare ORIF, THA, and Hemiarthroplasty.

  1.  Introduction – Neil P. Sheth, MD, Penn Medicine, Moderator
  2. When Fixation Is Indicated in Femoral Neck Fractures – Samir Mehta, MD, Penn Medicine
  3. Arthroplasty Is Preferred in These Fractures; Hemi vs. THA – Brian M. Culp, MD, Princeton Ortho Associates
  4. Conversion from ORIF to Arthroplasty: Pearls and Pitfalls – Ayesha Abdeen, MD, FRCSC, Beth Israel Deaconess Med Center
  5. Questions & Discussion of Cases

Please note, FOCAL webinars are NOT for CME credit. Register via Zoom.

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