Title: Management of Intraoperative Complications During Total Knee Replacement
Date: Monday, February 22
Time: 5:00 p.m. PST / 8:00 p.m. EST
The agenda includes discussions on “Intraoperative Fractures: Prevention & Management—Femoral Condyle Fractures, Tibial Plateau Fractures” by Eric M. Cohen, MD; “Intraoperative Ligament and Extensor Mechanism Injury Prevention & Management—MCL, LCL, Extensor Mechanism” by Brett R. Levine, MD, MS; “ Intraoperative Neurovascular Injury Prevention and Management” by Rina Jain, MD, FRCSC; and “Intraoperative Complications in TKA: Case Presentation and Questions” by Gwo-Chin Lee, MD. Register here. https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_N6IVFPvsTLiqGUM6doDBzw