Periprosthetic Fractures – Views from Both Sides of the Pond!
Tuesday, Jan. 30, 2025
1:00 p.m. Central | 2:00 p.m. Eastern  

Join the British Hip Society (BHS) and AAHKS for a jointly hosted webinar as part of BHS’ “Global Reach” educational series. Moderators Satish Kutty, FRCS, Anil K. Gambhir, MD and Jeffrey B. Stambough, MD and faculty members Chloe E.H. Scott, MD, Elizabeth B. Gausden, MD, MPH, Jonathan Evans, MD, Vinay K. Aggarwal, MD, Josh Lamb, MBBS and Chad A. Krueger, MD will present three diverse cases and discuss different approaches to each from a British and American perspective. Register here. 

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