Each year, AAHKS presents its competitive “Industry Innovation Award” to selected industry partners in recognition of cutting-edge innovation in the field of orthopaedic hip and knee arthroplasty by exhibitors. Both winners of the 2024 Industry Innovation Award are featured in two new Amplified podcasts: 

  • Guard Medical CEO Machiel van der Leest and Director of Marketing Leandra Armstrong, joined Cory L. Calendine, MD, Chair of the AAHKS Industry Relations Committee, to discuss NPseal, an innovative surgical dressing designed to deliver continuous, non-powered Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) to support wound healing. Listen here. 
  • James Lancaster, CEO of Solenic Medical, speaks with AAHKS Industry Relations Committee Chair Cory L. Calendine, MD about their patented technology using alternating magnetic fields (AMF) to generate thermal medical on the surface of the implants, aiming to eradicate biofilms, a common culprit in implant infections. Listen here
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