AAHKS collaborated with The Hip Society and The Knee Society to present a full day of hip and knee focused educational content for Specialty Day during the AAOS Annual Meeting, with more than 500 arthroplasty surgeons registered to attend. The Journal of Arthroplasty Editorial Board met Wednesday as well. Editor–in–Chief Michael A. Mont, MD, reported on growth in submissions to nearly 3,000 each year, efforts to recruit new reviewers and promote original research on social media and other platforms. During the JOA meeting, Arthroplasty Today Editor–in–Chief Gregory J. Golladay, MD provided a report on efforts underway to grow the open-access partner journal to JOA, and congratulated Brett R. Levine, MD, MS who will succeed Dr. Golladay upon completion of his five-year term at the end of this year. Thursday evening, all AAHKS members in attendance at the 2024 AAOS Annual Meeting were invited to attend a reception in the Moscone Convention Center.
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